LIAPG & NYSCPG Joint Event
Featured Presenters and Topics
Introduction by LIAPG President
Platinum Corporate Speaker - Alpha Analytical:
"Total Versus TCLP Testing For Waste Characterization"
George Duke - Brown, Duke, Fogel
"The Current State of Brownfields in New York – Opportunities & Benefits"
Platinum Corporate Speaker - Regenesis:
"Updates on Colloidal Treatment Technologies"
Jane O’Connell - Chief, Superfund and Brownfield Cleanup Section
Division of Environmental Remediation
"NYSDEC Directives Including Emerging Contaminants, Part 375 Amendments & Environmental Restoration Program"
Platinum Corporate Speaker - eurofins/TestAmerica:
"SPLP PFAS Analyses"
Sarken Dressler - NYSDEC, Division of Environmental Remediation
"Letters for Sampling for PFAS<PFOS and 1.4-dioxane"
Platinum Corporate Speaker - Advanced Waste Water Treatment:
"Treatment of Petroleum Contaminated Liquids"
Keynote Speaker
John Masterson - Senior Hydrologist, USGS
"Development of Long Island Regional Flow Model"
Hor d'oeuvres, drinks, and dinner will be served!
Event Platinum Sponsors
One Platinum Sponsorship Opportunity IS Still Available!
Event Gold Sponsors
Event Silver Sponsors