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PFAS in US Tapwater: Exposures and Associated Health Implications - May 16, 2024

Empire State Organized Geologic Information System (ESOGIS): A Comprehensive Overview and Its Importance as a Geological Resource - February 15, 2024

Green and Sustainable Remediation - December 21, 2023

Geophysical Mapping of Yellowstone's Hydrothermal Plumbing System - May 18, 2023

Aquifer Testing in Fractured Rock - April 20, 2023

Hummocky Terrain in Suffolk County, Long Island - February 16, 2023

Mars - Past, Present, and Future - September 15, 2022

You can download the presentation slides here.

The Streams of Long Island - August 11, 2022

Natural Disaster Resiliency: Planning, Investment, and Recovery - June 16, 2022

Mysterious, Marvelous Cryogeology - May 19, 2022

Amendments to 6 NYCRR Part 375 - Environmental Remediation Programs - April 21, 2022

A Decade of Science and Exploration with the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter - March 24, 2022

Long Island Tunnel Valleys - December 16, 2021

Fossil Collecting in the New York Metro Region - October 28, 2021

Click here to download a KMZ file with the locations Dr. Bennington discussed in his presentation (Google Earth or similar program may be needed to open the KMZ file)

The Role of Geology in Planning, Design, and Construction Throughout New York City - September 23, 2021

Challenged by DNAPL Sources? There are Proven Injectable Chemistries - August 19, 2021

Cultural Geology of Staten Island - July 22, 2021

Tiny Mineral Inclusions Yield Clues to the Origin of the World's Largest Garnets, Gore Mountain, NY

Advances in Micron-Scale Colloidal Reagents for Accelerated Groundwater Treatment of Petroleum Hydrocarbons, Chlorinated Solvents, and PFAS - May 20, 2021

Thermal Remediation for VOCs, SVOCs, and PFAS

Chasing Iron & Other Trace Elements in the Ocean

Groundwater Research Near the Town of Brookhaven Landfill

Mary Anning - Famous Victorian "Fossilist" and the First Woman of Paleontology

An Exploration of Geology Throughout New York - August 20, 2020

An Exploration of Geology throughout New York: Panther Mountain

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