Presented By:
Evelyn Hussey
Project Manager
Division of Environmental Remediation
Remedial Bureau E, Remedial Section C
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
Albany, New York
Abstract: This presentation will describe DEC’s policies and goals on green and sustainable remediation. Green and sustainable remediation can be integrated throughout the remedial process to minimize the environmental footprint of cleanup actions. Sustainable practices and technologies will be promoted to provide the audience with simple and effective methods to apply at their own sites. Highlighted concepts will include utilization of local resources, reuse of material, consolidation of site visits, the generation of on-site renewable energy, and reporting/tracking metrics with several site-specific case studies acting as real-world examples. A tutorial of green and sustainable remediation internal guidance will provide the audience with an external tool and additional resources to implement sustainable practices in their own work.
Course objectives:
Technical Merit: This presentation will describe how professional geologists can evaluate and implement green and sustainable practices while taking the subsurface into consideration. Many pump and treat remedies are energy deficient and create everlasting environmental footprints. By evaluating the local geology, contamination migration pathways, and groundwater properties, alternative remedial measures can reduce the environmental footprint while achieving a more expeditious cleanup. Furthermore, the application of renewable energy, particularly through geothermal methods, can provide a sustaining source of energy for on-site groundwater treatment systems. The design and incorporation of green and sustainable practices requires specialized knowledge of the aquifer characteristics and contamination pathways (hydraulic gradient, porosity, permeability, hydraulic conductivity etc.).
This Course Has Been Approved for New York State 1 PDH Credit
*Bio: Evelyn Hussey, G.I.T. - Evelyn Hussey is an Assistant Geologist in the Division of Environmental Remediation (DER). She is project manager for over 30 NYS Superfund Program (SSF) and Brownfield Cleanup Program (BCP) sites, and actively incorporates green and sustainable remediation into all aspects of her projects, from remedial investigations to site management. Currently, she assisting the Division of Remediation sustainability liaison and helping to developing internal guidance for the Division to further the integration of green and sustainable remediation techniques and technology into the remedial process. She is also developing research program within DER with a focus on green and sustainable remediation. Evelyn received a Master of Science degree in Geology from Iowa State University in 2018 and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Geological Science from SUNY Geneseo in 2015. She is a New York State certified Geologist-in-Training.