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Upcoming 2020 LIAPG Events

June 30, 2020 3:31 PM | Chris Wenczel (Administrator)


It's been 117 days since our 5 March 2020 dinner meeting..........and while things are getting better, it's not yet time for group dinner meetings to resume. 

So a quick update on what we are planning:

  • LIAPG Canoe/Kayak Paddle & Picnic: Normally held in the June - July time-frame, we have postponed this activity until September.  We are hopeful that by then, a safe and properly distanced, outdoor, enjoyable day can be assembled for our members who would like to participate.
  • Group Dinner Meetings: In lieu of the group meetings at the present time, the LIAPG will be putting on free LIVE evening webinars during July and August.  So far, we have 2 geology-focused presentations planned, and expect them to be approximately 1 hour each with Q&A.  All you will need to do is register, log-on and participate.
  • Field Trips: We are looking at options for interesting local outdoor field trips that would allow for safe and properly distanced participation. You would provide your own transportation to an assembly point where the field trip would begin.  Likely mid-October when the weather is cooler and fair.

Watch for follow-up emails announcing dates/times, topics, and instructions to register and log-on to participate in the on-line presentations!!

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